Gettin' a lot closer with these! Now all I have to finish is the screws and hollow out some pieces!
As for the vinyl this was where I was at before
But then I realized as cool as this looked it didn't feel creative enough or pushed enough. (I'd still like to make this into a T-shirt however but at a later date.)
This one would have been more detailed and gone on the side of my portfolio, leaping onto the flap to escape the cheese.
Another one that would have gone on my portfolio, or on a recipe box
This next one I ended up really liking. I'm going to be adding more noodles and cheese flowing out from the newspaper photo. This will go on my anatomy binder to add a bit of flair to it. I want to try using multiple vinyls, so a black and a white while using the colour of the binder as the mid-ground. I'm doing a mock up in Photoshop and then tracing the layers on different layers in Rhino after.
Keep going! You got this. Great vinyl concepts, looking forward to seeing them come to fruition. Also excited to see your final model and renders!!